I Write for You, in Your Voice, With Impact
Writing Services - Blogs, Articles, Brand Narrative
Award-Winning Journalist, Consultant, Trainer, Writer
Research & Write in Your Voice - after determining your target audience, I write to them.
Philosophy - the client comes first, is unique, and has unique needs. The story should be told from their point of view to sell their beliefs or goods.
I Write to Break Through The Digital Clutter
A Personal Message, with buying power: An actionable message empowers the audience and makes you the hero. If you compel the audience to take action, you have won them over.
People naturally trust me: As an award-winning journalist and news director, I get people to trust me and tell me their stories almost immediately.
“Telling The Story:” I turn an event or set of statistics into a news story, a press release, or white paper that has depth and persuades your audience.
Perceptive: One of my biggest strengths is my ability to quickly get a group to coalesce by understanding how different personalities affect the group dynamic.
Branding Your Corporate or Personal Story” are the consumer’s decider.
Article and content writing – One-sheets, creative, and to the point I combine effective graphics with the speaker’s style. I build an image, a promise to deliver, and know the person or company strength’s well enough to sell them. You can find much of my work on the web. I understand SEO structures and create pieces that will garner the attention of the reader in a way that makes them read the whole piece. Plus, I give them takeaways and a strong summary.
I travel the world, gathering stories and taking pictures. My heart and soul are both richer,
thanks to all those who shared their fears, dreams, and demands. I am a:
Freelance Writer/Photographer
Workshop Creator and Facilitator
Above anything else, I am an ardent believer that we learn the most when we listen.
Connie Is The Author Of:
“You Are EXTRAordinary – Three E’s to an EXTRAordinary Life” (Amazon)
“Kissed by Blue Moon”- Night Magic Falls to Earth – a children’s story of believing in wonder (Amazon)
“Quest for the Dark Crystal” – To Heal a Rupture in the Universe – a tale of loss and gaining all the wonder of the Universe (Amazon)
Her personal story, “With Dignity and Grace” is nestled among the pages of a Canadian anthology. She is published in “Anti-Heroin Chic and has been published on countless TV Stations.
To learn more about being EXTRAordinary go to Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/connie-timpson-38757111/detail/recent-activity/shares extraordinary about them, and an extraordinary story to tell.