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I Write for You, in Your Voice, With Impact

Writing Services - Blogs, Articles, Brand Narrative

  •  Award-Winning Journalist, Consultant, Trainer, Writer

  • Research & Write in Your Voice - after determining your target audience, I write to them.

  • Philosophy - the client comes first, is unique, and has unique needs. The story should be told from their point of view to sell their beliefs or goods.

I Write to Break Through The Digital Clutter

  • A Personal Message, with buying power: An actionable message empowers the audience and makes you the hero. If you compel the audience to take action, you have won them over.

  • People naturally trust me: As an award-winning journalist and news director, I get people to trust me and tell me their stories almost immediately.

  • “Telling The Story:”  I turn an event or set of statistics into a news story, a press release, or white paper that has depth and persuades your audience.

  • Perceptive: One of my biggest strengths is my ability to quickly get a group to coalesce by understanding how different personalities affect the group dynamic.

  • Branding Your Corporate or Personal Story” are the consumer’s decider.

  • Article and content writing – One-sheets, creative, and to the point I combine effective graphics with the speaker’s style. I build an image, a promise to deliver, and know the person or company strength’s well enough to sell them. You can find much of my work on the web. I understand SEO structures and create pieces that will garner the attention of the reader in a way that makes them read the whole piece. Plus, I give them takeaways and a strong summary.

I travel the world, gathering stories and taking pictures. My heart and soul are both richer,

thanks to all those who shared their fears, dreams, and demands.  I am a:

  • Storyteller

  • Freelance Writer/Photographer

  • Speaker

  • Author

  • Workshop Creator and Facilitator


Above anything else, I am an ardent believer that we learn the most when we listen.


Connie Is The Author Of:


 “You Are EXTRAordinary – Three E’s to an EXTRAordinary Life” (Amazon)

“Kissed by Blue Moon”- Night Magic Falls to Earth – a children’s story of believing in wonder (Amazon)

“Quest for the Dark Crystal” – To Heal a Rupture in the Universe – a tale of loss and gaining all the wonder of the Universe (Amazon)

Her personal story, “With Dignity and Grace” is nestled among the pages of a Canadian anthology. She is published in “Anti-Heroin Chic and has been published on countless TV Stations.

To learn more about being EXTRAordinary go to Linkedin extraordinary about them, and an extraordinary story to tell.


Places, People, and Their Stories

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